Day 2 (22.11.2016)

Target for the day:-

  • DFS, Topological Sorting (complete ch 5) with their implementation
  • basic graph questions given on hackerearth to test understanding
  • Complete Memory Management Strategies
  • Minor Project Work

*Wish me a faithful internet connection!* 

End of the day report:-

Did DFS from the book, MIT and Skiena lecture videos. Tried attempting questions on hackerearth, couldn’t get through them. Will work on them tomorrow. Just flipped a few pages from Memory Management Strategies. Also, did the SVMs lecture from Intro to Machine Learning course on Udacity. Minor Project work for presentation tomorrow, done!

Day 1 (21.11.2016)

Target for the day:-

  • complete Ch-5 (Graphs) from The Algorithm Design Manual 
  • Implementation of graph traversals (BFS, DFS) 
  • 2 programming questions 
  • Memory Management Strategies (OS) 
  • Minor Project Work (College Stuff) 

End of the day report:-

Because of a faulty internet connection, couldn’t do much as planned. But was able to complete the Breadth First Search section from the book and it’s implementation. Apart from the book, I used the following resources:- hackerearth tutorial, Lecture 12 of Steven Skiena videosLecture 13 of Introduction to Algorithms by Erik Demaine (MIT). Got started with Memory Management Strategies from Galvin and did some project work.